2021-2022学年推荐会议 刘奕琳 2021-11-08 15:24 No Comment 2664次浏览 2021-2022学年一些可投会议的截稿时间汇总,持续更新。 **ICAPS 2022:**the 32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, will take place in Singapore at Singapore Management University in June 2022. 官网:http://icaps22.icaps-conference.org/ CCF-B,impact score 3.96,录用率 32%,截稿 12.16,录用通知 1.25-28,开会 6.22-24 ------------ **IJCAI 2022:** the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the premier international gathering of researchers in AI. 官网:https://ijcai-22.org/ CCF-A,impact score 11.71,录用率 13.9%,截稿 1.14,录用通知 3.16-18,开会 7.23-29 ------------ **ECAI 2022:** the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the premier international gathering of researchers in AI. 官网:https://ijcai-22.org/ CCF-B,录用率 26.8%,截稿 1.14,录用通知 3.16-18,开会 7.23-29 ------------ **ICPR 2022: **is the flagship conference of IAPR, the International Association of Pattern Recognition. Professionals working in computer vision, image, sound, speech, pattern recognition, and machine intelligence can update their knowledge and sharpen their skills in all subspecialties of pattern recognition. 官网:https://www.icpr2022.com/ CCF-C,impact score 4.29,录用率 52%,截稿 1.17,录用通知 3.14,开会 8.22-25 ------------ **ICJNN 2022:**The IEEE WCCI 2022 will host three conferences: The 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022 – co-sponsored by International Neural Network Society – INNS), the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2020), and the 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2020) under one roof. It encourages cross-fertilization of ideas among the three big areas and provides a forum for intellectuals from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on computational intelligence. 官网:https://wcci2022.org/call-for-papers/ CCF-C,impact score 7.09,录用率 57%,截稿 1.31,录用通知 4.26,开会 7.18-23 ------------ **UAI 2022:**The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) is one of the premier international conferences on research related to knowledge representation, learning, and reasoning in the presence of uncertainty. UAI is supported by the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI). 官网:http://auai.org/~w-auai/uai2022/dates CCF-B,impact score 10.06,录用率 26%,截稿 2.25,录用通知 5.16,开会 8.1 ------------ **ECCV 2022:**ECCV 2022 is planned to be held in Tel-Aviv on Oct. 24-28 2022. Decision on physical vs. hybrid vs. virtual event will be made at a later stage. 官网:https://eccv2022.ecva.net/ CCF-B,impact score 25.91,录用率 27.1%,截稿 3.14,录用通知 5.23-29,开会 10.24-28 ------------ **ICANN 2022:**ICANN 2022 is a conference featuring tracks in Brain-inspired Computing and Machine Learning in Artificial Neural Networks, with strong cross-disciplinary interactions and applications. All research fields dealing with Neural Networks will be present at the conference. 官网:https://e-nns.org/icann2022/call-for-papers-2/ CCF-C,impact score 3.46,录用率 55.8%,截稿 4.3,录用通知 6.10,开会 9.6-9