发表的刊物论文列表 李静林 2020-02-26 20:45 No Comment 1717次浏览 - **Luo Guiyang**, Zhou Haibo, Cheng Nan, **Yuan Quan, Li Jinglin\*, Yang Fangchun**. Software-Defined Cooperative Data Sharing in Edge Computing Assisted 5G-VANET[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, 2021, 20(3): 1212-1229. (WOS:000616308400020)[(DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2019.2953163)](http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2019.2953163 "(DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2019.2953163)") - **Yuan Quan, Chen Bo, Luo Guiyang, Li Jinglin\***. Integrated Route Planning and Resource Allocation for Connected Vehicles[J]. CHINA COMMUNICATIONS, 2021, 18(3): 226-239. (WOS:000630210400018) - **Luo Guiyang**, Zhang Hui, He Haibo, **Li Jinglin**, Wang Feiyue. Multiagent Adversarial Collaborative Learning via Mean-Field Theory[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS, 2021, 51(10): 4994-5007. (WOS:000706832000023)[(DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3025491)](http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCYB.2020.3025491 "(DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3025491)") - **Wei Xiaojuan, Han Xu, Zhu Bichuan, Li Jinglin\*, Yang Fangchun**. A double-layer collaborative apportionment method for personalized and balanced routing[J]. PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS, 2021, 14(5SI): 3349-3359. (WOS:000647860500001)[(DOI: 10.1007/s12083-021-01136-z)](http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12083-021-01136-z "(DOI: 10.1007/s12083-021-01136-z)") - **Yuan Quan**, Fu Xiaoyuan, **Li Ziyan, Luo Guiyang, Li Jinglin, Yang Fangchun**. GraphComm: Efficient Graph Convolutional Communication for Multiagent Cooperation[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(22): 16359-16369. (WOS:000714714400021)[(DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3097947)](http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2021.3097947 "DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3097947") - **Yuan Quan, Li Jinglin**, Zhou Haibo, et al. Cross-Domain Resource Orchestration for the Edge-Computing-Enabled Smart Road[J]. *IEEE Network*, 2020, 34(5):60-67. (DOI:[10.1109/MNET.011.2000007](https://doi.org/10.1109/MNET.011.2000007)) - **Luo Guiyang, Liu Zhihan, Li Jinglin and Yang Fangchun**. Understanding Cooperative Data Exchange Problem in Multi-hop Wireless Network[J]. *IEEE Wireless Communications Letters*, (Accepted). - **Yuan Quan**, **Li Jinglin**, Zhou Haibo, et al. A Joint Service Migration and Mobility Optimization Approach for Vehicular Edge Computing[J]. *IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology*, 2020, 69(8):9041-9052, (DOI:[10.1109/TVT.2020.2999617](http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2020.2999617))(WOS:待检索). - **Luo Guiyang**, Wang Xiaodong, **Li Jinglin\***, **Yang Fangchun**. Coded Cooperative Data Exchange in Multichannel Multihop Wireless Networks[J]. *IEEE Internet of Things Journal*, 2020, 7(4):3013-3025. (DOI:[10.1109/JIOT.2020.2964595](http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2020.2964595))(WOS:000537136400044) - **Luo Guiyang**, Zhou Haibo, Cheng Nan, **Yuan Quan, Li Jinglin\***, et al. Software Defined Cooperative Data Sharing in Edge Computing Assisted 5G-VANET[J]. *IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing*, 2019. ( DOI: [10.1109/TMC.2019.2953163][1] )(Early Access) - Qian Bo, Zhou Haibo, Lyu Feng, **Li Jinglin**, et al. Toward Collision-Free and Efficient Coordination for Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersection[J]. *IEEE Internet of Things Journal*, 2019, 6(6):10408-10420. ( DOI: [10.1109/JIOT.2019.2939180][2])(WOS:000503985700096) - **Li Jinglin, Fu Dawei, Yuan Quan\***, et al. A Traffic Prediction Enabled Double Rewarded Value Iteration Network for Route Planning[J]. *IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology*,2019, 68(5): 4170-4181. ( DOI: [10.1109/TVT.2019.2893173][3] )(WOS:000470017500008) - **Li Jinglin, Luo Guiyang\***, Cheng Nan, et et al. An End-to-End Load Balancer based on Deep Learning for Vehicular Network Traffic Control[J]. *IEEE Internet of Things Journal*, 2019, 1(6):953-966. ( DOI: [10.1109/JIOT.2018.2866435][4] )(WOS:000459709500081)([论文内容...](http://iov.sicrc.cn/index.php/archives/5.html "论文内容...")) - **Quan Yuan**, Zhou Haibo, **Liu Zhihan\*, Li Jinglin** et al. CESense: Cost-Effective Urban Environment Sensing in Vehicular Sensor Networks[J]. *IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems*, 2019, 20(9):3235-3246. ( DOI: [10.1109/TITS.2018.2873112][5] )(WOS:000484207200004) - **Wei Xiaojuan, Li Jinglin\*, Yuan Quan**, et al. Predicting Fine-Grained Traffic Conditions via Spatio-Temporal LSTM[J]. *Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing*, 2019(9242598). (DOI: [10.1155/2019/9242598][6] )(WOS:000457073700001). - **Luo Guiyang, Li Jinglin\***, Zhang Lin, et al. sdnMAC: A Software-Defined Network Inspired MAC Protocol for Cooperative Safety in VANETs[J]. *IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS*, 2018, 19(6): 2011-2024.( DOI: [10.1109/TITS.2017.2736887][7] )(WOS:000433910400027) - **Yuan Quan**, Zhou Haibo, **Li Jinglin\*** et al. Toward Efficient Content Delivery for Automated Driving Services: An Edge Computing Solution[J]. *IEEE NETWORK*, 2018, 32(1): 80-86.( DOI: [10.1109/MNET.2018.1700105][8] )(WOS:000423572900012) - **Yang Shu, Li Jinglin\*, Yuan Quan** et al. Message Relaying and Collaboration Motivating for Mobile Crowdsensing Service: An Edge-Assisted Approach[J]. *WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING*, 2018(1287969): 1-13.( DOI: [10.1155/2018/1287969][9] )(WOS:000441532500001) - Zhou Ao,Li Yan,**Li Jinglin**. Efficient request assignment algorithm in mobile cloud computing environment[J]. *INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB AND GRID SERVICES*. 2018, 14(4): 335-351.( DOI: [10.1504/IJWGS.2018.095656][10])( WOS:000447671100001) - **Luo Guiyang, Yuan Quan**, Zhou Haibo et al. Cooperative Vehicular Content Distribution in Edge Computing Assisted 5G-VANET[J]. *CHINA COMMUNICATIONS*, 2018, 15(7): 1-17. ( DOI: [10.1109/CC.2018.8424578][11])(WOS:000440412000002) - **Li Jinglin, Gao Jie, Yang Yu**, et al. Bus Arrival Time Prediction Based on Mixed Model[J]. *CHINA COMMUNICATIONS*. 2017, 14(5): 38-47. (DOI: [10.1109/CC.2014.6969789][12])(WOS:000401690300004) - **Zhu Xiaolu, Li Jinglin\*, Liu Zhihan**, et al. Location deployment of depots and resource relocation for connected car-sharing systems through mobile edge computing[J]. *International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks*. 2017, 13(6). ( DOI: [10.1177/1550147717711621][13])(WOS:000403152600001) - Zhou Ao,Wang Shangguang,**Li Jinglin**,et al. Optimal mobile device selection for mobile cloud service providing[J]. *JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING*. 2016, 72(8): 3222-3235. (DOI:[10.1007/s11227-016-1704-0][14])(WOS:000381986200017) - **Zhang Junming,Li Jinglin,Liu Zhihan**,et al. Moving Objects Gathering Patterns Retrieving based on Spatio-Temporal Graph[J]. *INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB SERVICES RESEARCH*. 2016, 13(3SI): 88-107. (DOI:[10.4018/IJWSR.2016070105][15])(WOS:000384810600006) - **Yang Shu, Liu Zhihan, Li Jinglin\***, et al. Anomaly Detection for Internet of Vehicles: A Trust Management Scheme with Affinity Propagation[J]. *MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS*. 2016(2016): 1-10. (DOI:[10.1155/2016/5254141][16])(WOS:000373498700001, EI:20161902346432) - Lei Tao,Wang Shangguang,**Li Jinglin**,et al. AOM: adaptive mobile data traffic offloading for M2M networks[J]. *PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING*. 2016, 20(6SI): 863-873. (DOI:[10.1007/s00779-016-0962-4][17])(WOS:000387480800003) - Xu Changqiao,Li Zhuofeng,**Li Jinglin**,et al. Cross-Layer Fairness-Driven Concurrent Multipath Video Delivery Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks[J]. *IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY*. 2015, 25(7): 1175-1189. (DOI:[10.1109/TCSVT.2014.2376138][18])(WOS:000357616600008) - Ma You,Xin Xin,Wang Shangguang,**Li Jinglin**, et al. QoS Evaluation for Web Service Recommendation[J]. *CHINA COMMUNICATIONS*. 2015, 12(4): 151-160. ( DOI: [10.1109/CC.2015.7114061][19] )(WOS:000353529000017) - Zhou Ao,Sun Qibo,Sun Lei,**Li Jinglin**, et al. Maximizing the Profits of Cloud Service Providers via Dynamic Virtual Resource Renting Approach[J]. *EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING*. 2015(71). (DOI:[10.1186/s13638-015-0256-y][20])(WOS:000351748800001) - Zhou Ao,**Li Jinglin**,Sun Qibo,et al. A Security Authentication Method based on Trust Evaluation in VANETs[J]. *EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING*. 2015(59). (DOI: [10.1186/s13638-015-0257-x][21])(WOS:000351315900001) - Yang Fangchun,Wang Shangguang,**Li Jinglin**,et al. An Overview of Internet of Vehicles[J]. *CHINA COMMUNICATIONS*. 2014, 11(10): 1-15. ( DOI: [10.1109/CC.2014.6969789][22] )(WOS:000345554500002) - Yuan Quan, Liu Zhihan, **Li Jinglin**, et al. A Traffic Congestion Detection and Information Dissemination Scheme for Urban Expressways using Vehicular Networks[J]. *TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES*. 2014, 47: 114-127. 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