认定刊物等级列表 李静林 2021-12-27 19:59 No Comment 1654次浏览 | 序号 | 刊物名称 | 英文简称 | 分级 | 备注 | | ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | ---- | --------- | | 1 | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | TOCS | A | CCF-A | | 2 | ACM Transactions on Storage | TOS | A | CCF-A | | 3 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and System | TCAD | A | CCF-A | | 4 | IEEE Transactions on Computers | TC | A | CCF-A | | 5 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | TPDS | A | CCF-A | | 6 | IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications | JSAC | A | CCF-A | | 7 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | TMC | A | CCF-A | | 8 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | TON | A | CCF-A | | 9 | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | TDSC | A | CCF-A | | 10 | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | TIFS | A | CCF-A | | 11 | Journal of Cryptology | | A | CCF-A | | 12 | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems | TOPLAS | A | CCF-A | | 13 | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | TOSEM | A | CCF-A | | 14 | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | TSE | A | CCF-A | | 15 | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | TODS | A | CCF-A | | 16 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | TOIS | A | CCF-A | | 17 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | TKDE | A | CCF-A | | 18 | The VLDB Journal | VLDBJ | A | CCF-A | | 19 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | TIT | A | CCF-A | | 20 | Information and Computation | IANDC | A | CCF-A | | 21 | SIAM Journal on Computing | SICOMP | A | CCF-A | | 22 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | TOG | A | CCF-A | | 23 | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | TIP | A | CCF-A | | 24 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | TVCG | A | CCF-A | | 25 | Artificial Intelligence | AI | A | CCF-A | | 26 | IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | TPAMI | A | CCF-A | | 27 | International Journal of Computer Vision | IJCV | A | CCF-A | | 28 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | JMLR | A | CCF-A | | 29 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | TOCHI | A | CCF-A | | 30 | International Journal of Human Computer Studies | IJHCS | A | CCF-A | | 31 | Journal of the ACM | JACM | A | CCF-A | | 32 | Proceedings of the IEEE | Proc. IEEE | A | CCF-A | | 33 | ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | TACO | A | CCF-B | | 34 | ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | TAAS | A | CCF-B | | 35 | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | TODAES | A | CCF-B | | 36 | ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | TECS | A | CCF-B | | 37 | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | TRETS | A | CCF-B | | 38 | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems | TVLSI | A | CCF-B | | 39 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | JPDC | A | CCF-B | | 40 | Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design | JSA | A | CCF-B | | 41 | Parallel Computing | PARCO | A | CCF-B | | 42 | Performance Evaluation: An International Journal | | A | CCF-B | | 43 | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | TOIT | A | CCF-B | | 44 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications | TOMCCAP | A | CCF-B | | 45 | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | TOSN | A | CCF-B | | 46 | Computer Networks | CN | A | CCF-B | | 47 | IEEE Transactions on Communications | TCOM | A | CCF-B | | 48 | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | TWC | A | CCF-B | | 49 | ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security | TOPS | A | CCF-B | | 50 | Computers & Security | | A | CCF-B | | 51 | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | | A | CCF-B | | 52 | Journal of Computer Security | JCS | A | CCF-B | | 53 | Automated Software Engineering | ASE | A | CCF-B | | 54 | Empirical Software Engineering | ESE | A | CCF-B | | 55 | IEEE Transactions on Service Computing | TSC | A | CCF-B | | 56 | IET Software | IETS | A | CCF-B | | 57 | Information and Software Technology | IST | A | CCF-B | | 58 | Journal of Functional Programming | JFP | A | CCF-B | | 59 | Journal of Software: Evolution and Process | | A | CCF-B | | 60 | Journal of Systems and Software | JSS | A | CCF-B | | 61 | Requirements Engineering | RE | A | CCF-B | | 62 | Science of Computer Programming | SCP | A | CCF-B | | 63 | Software and System Modeling | SoSyM | A | CCF-B | | 64 | Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | STVR | A | CCF-B | | 65 | Software: Practice and Experience | SPE | A | CCF-B | | 66 | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | TKDD | A | CCF-B | | 67 | ACM Transactions on the Web | TWEB | A | CCF-B | | 68 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | AEI | A | CCF-B | | 69 | Data and Knowledge Engineering | DKE | A | CCF-B | | 70 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | DMKD | A | CCF-B | | 71 | European Journal of Information Systems | EJIS | A | CCF-B | | 72 | GeoInformatica | | A | CCF-B | | 73 | Information Processing and Management | IPM | A | CCF-B | | 74 | Information Sciences | | A | CCF-B | | 75 | Information Systems | IS | A | CCF-B | | 76 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | JASIST | A | CCF-B | | 77 | Journal of Web Semantics | JWS | A | CCF-B | | 78 | Knowledge and Information Systems | KAIS | A | CCF-B | | 79 | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | TALG | A | CCF-B | | 80 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | TOCL | A | CCF-B | | 81 | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | TOMS | A | CCF-B | | 82 | Algorithmica | Algorithmica | A | CCF-B | | 83 | Computational Complexity | CC | A | CCF-B | | 84 | Formal Aspects of Computing | FAC | A | CCF-B | | 85 | Formal Methods in System Design | FMSD | A | CCF-B | | 86 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | INFORMS | A | CCF-B | | 87 | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | JCSS | A | CCF-B | | 88 | Journal of Global Optimization | JGO | A | CCF-B | | 89 | Journal of Symbolic Computation | JSC | A | CCF-B | | 90 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | MSCS | A | CCF-B | | 91 | Theoretical Computer Science | TCS | A | CCF-B | | 92 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Application | TOMCCAP | A | CCF-B | | 93 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | CAGD | A | CCF-B | | 94 | Computer Graphics Forum | CGF | A | CCF-B | | 95 | Computer-Aided Design | CAD | A | CCF-B | | 96 | Graphical Models | GM | A | CCF-B | | 97 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | TCSVT | A | CCF-B | | 98 | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | TMM | A | CCF-B | | 99 | Journal of The Acoustical Society of America | JASA | A | CCF-B | | 100 | SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences | SIIMS | A | CCF-B | | 101 | Speech Communication | Speech Com | A | CCF-B | | 102 | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | TAP | A | CCF-B | | 103 | ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | TSLP | A | CCF-B | | 104 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | AAMAS | A | CCF-B | | 105 | Computational Linguistics | | A | CCF-B | | 106 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | CVIU | A | CCF-B | | 107 | Data and Knowledge Engineering | DKE | A | CCF-B | | 108 | Evolutionary Computation | | A | CCF-B | | 109 | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | TAC | A | CCF-B | | 110 | IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | TASLP | A | CCF-B | | 111 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | | A | CCF-B | | 112 | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | TEC | A | CCF-B | | 113 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | TFS | A | CCF-B | | 114 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and learning systems | TNNLS | A | CCF-B | | 115 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | IJAR | A | CCF-B | | 116 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | JAIR | A | CCF-B | | 117 | Journal of Automated Reasoning | | A | CCF-B | | 118 | Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research | JSLHR | A | CCF-B | | 119 | Machine Learning | | A | CCF-B | | 120 | Neural Computation | | A | CCF-B | | 121 | Neural Networks | | A | CCF-B | | 122 | Pattern Recognition | PR | A | CCF-B | | 123 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work | CSCW | A | CCF-B | | 124 | Human Computer Interaction | HCI | A | CCF-B | | 125 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | | A | CCF-B | | 126 | Interacting with Computers | IWC | A | CCF-B | | 127 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | IJHCI | A | CCF-B | | 128 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | UMUAI | A | CCF-B | | 129 | Bioinformatics | | A | CCF-B | | 130 | Briefings in Bioinformatics | | A | CCF-B | | 131 | Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Science | Cognition | A | CCF-B | | 132 | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | TASAE | A | CCF-B | | 133 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | TGARS | A | CCF-B | | 134 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | TITS | A | CCF-B | | 135 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | TMI | A | CCF-B | | 136 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | TR | A | CCF-B | | 137 | IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | TCBB | A | CCF-B | | 138 | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | JCST | A | CCF-B | | 139 | Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association | JAMIA | A | CCF-B | | 140 | PLOS Computational Biology | | A | CCF-B | | 141 | Science China Information Sciences | | A | CCF-B | | 142 | The Computer Journal | | A | CCF-B | | 143 | World Wide Web Journal | | A | CCF-B | | 144 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | | A | | | 145 | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | | A | | | 146 | Nature | | A | | | 147 | Science | | A | | | 148 | PNAS 美国科学院院报 | | A | | | 149 | Nature Communications | | A | | | 150 | Journal of software 软件学报 | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 151 | Chinese journal of computers 计算机学报 | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 152 | SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis 中国科学:信息科学(中文版) | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 153 | Journal of Computer Research and Development 计算机研究与发展 | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 154 | Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 155 | Acta Electronica Sinica 电子学报(中英文版) | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 156 | Acta Automatica Sinica 自动化学报(中英文版) | | B | CCF-A(CH) | | 157 | journal of communications 通信学报 | | B | CCF-B(CH) | | 158 | Chinese Science Bulletin 科学通报 | | B | CCF-B(CH) | | 159 | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | JETC | B | CCF-C | | 160 | Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience | | B | CCF-C | | 161 | Distributed Computing | DC | B | CCF-C | | 162 | Future Generation Computer Systems | FGCS | B | CCF-C | | 163 | IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | TCC | B | CCF-C | | 164 | Integration, the VLSI Journal | Integration | B | CCF-C | | 165 | Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications | JETTA | B | CCF-C | | 166 | Journal of Grid computing | JGC | B | CCF-C | | 167 | Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design | MICPRO | B | CCF-C | | 168 | Real-Time Systems | RTS | B | CCF-C | | 169 | The Journal of Supercomputing | TJSC | B | CCF-C | | 170 | Ad Hoc Networks | | B | CCF-C | | 171 | Computer Communications | CC | B | CCF-C | | 172 | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | TNSM | B | CCF-C | | 173 | IET Communications | | B | CCF-C | | 174 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | JNCA | B | CCF-C | | 175 | Mobile Networks & Applications | MONET | B | CCF-C | | 176 | Networks | | B | CCF-C | | 177 | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | PPNA | B | CCF-C | | 178 | Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing | WCMC | B | CCF-C | | 179 | Wireless Networks | | B | CCF-C | | 180 | Computer Law and Security Review | CLSR | B | CCF-C | | 181 | EURASIP Journal on Information Security | | B | CCF-C | | 182 | IET Information Security | | B | CCF-C | | 183 | Information Management & Computer Security | IMCS | B | CCF-C | | 184 | International Journal of Information and Computer Security | IJICS | B | CCF-C | | 185 | International Journal of Information Security and Privacy | IJISP | B | CCF-C | | 186 | Journal of Information Security and Application | JISA | B | CCF-C | | 187 | Security and Communication Networks | SCN | B | CCF-C | | 188 | Computer Languages, Systems and Structures | CL | B | CCF-C | | 189 | International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | IJSEKE | B | CCF-C | | 190 | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | STTT | B | CCF-C | | 191 | Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming | JLAP | B | CCF-C | | 192 | Journal of Web Engineering | JWE | B | CCF-C | | 193 | Service Oriented Computing and Applications | SOCA | B | CCF-C | | 194 | Software Quality Journal | SQJ | B | CCF-C | | 195 | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming | TPLP | B | CCF-C | | 196 | Distributed and Parallel Databases | DPD | B | CCF-C | | 197 | Information and Management | I&M | B | CCF-C | | 198 | Information Processing Letters | IPL | B | CCF-C | | 199 | Information Retrieval Journal | IR | B | CCF-C | | 200 | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems | IJCIS | B | CCF-C | | 201 | International Journal of Geographical Information Science | IJGIS | B | CCF-C | | 202 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | IJIS | B | CCF-C | | 203 | International Journal of Knowledge Management | IJKM | B | CCF-C | | 204 | International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems | IJSWIS | B | CCF-C | | 205 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | JCIS | B | CCF-C | | 206 | Journal of Database Management | JDM | B | CCF-C | | 207 | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | JGITM | B | CCF-C | | 208 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | JIIS | B | CCF-C | | 209 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | JSIS | B | CCF-C | | 210 | Acta Informatica | ACTA | B | CCF-C | | 211 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic | APAL | B | CCF-C | | 212 | Discrete Applied Mathematics | DAM | B | CCF-C | | 213 | Fundamenta Informaticae | FUIN | B | CCF-C | | 214 | Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | LISP | B | CCF-C | | 215 | Information Processing Letters | IPL | B | CCF-C | | 216 | Journal of Complexity | JCOMPLEXITY | B | CCF-C | | 217 | Journal of Logic and Computation | LOGCOM | B | CCF-C | | 218 | Journal of Symbolic Logic | JSL | B | CCF-C | | 219 | Logical Methods in Computer Science | LMCS | B | CCF-C | | 220 | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | SIDMA | B | CCF-C | | 221 | Theory of Computing Systems | | B | CCF-C | | 222 | Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications | CGTA | B | CCF-C | | 223 | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | CAVW | B | CCF-C | | 224 | Computers & Graphics | C&G | B | CCF-C | | 225 | Discrete & Computational Geometry | DCG | B | CCF-C | | 226 | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | SPL | B | CCF-C | | 227 | IET Image Processing | IET-IPR | B | CCF-C | | 228 | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | JVCIR | B | CCF-C | | 229 | Multimedia Systems | MS | B | CCF-C | | 230 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | MTA | B | CCF-C | | 231 | Signal Processing | | B | CCF-C | | 232 | Signal Processing: Image Communication | SPIC | B | CCF-C | | 233 | The Visual Computer | TVC | B | CCF-C | | 234 | ACM Transactions on Asian and Low- Resource Language Information Processing | TALLIP | B | CCF-C | | 235 | Applied Intelligence | | B | CCF-C | | 236 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | AIM | B | CCF-C | | 237 | Artificial Life | | B | CCF-C | | 238 | Computational Intelligence | | B | CCF-C | | 239 | Computer Speech and Language | | B | CCF-C | | 240 | Connection Science | | B | CCF-C | | 241 | Decision Support Systems | DSS | B | CCF-C | | 242 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | EAAI | B | CCF-C | | 243 | Expert Systems | | B | CCF-C | | 244 | Expert Systems with Applications | ESWA | B | CCF-C | | 245 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | | B | CCF-C | | 246 | IEEE Transactions on Games | TG | B | CCF-C | | 247 | IET Computer Vision | IET-CVI | B | CCF-C | | 248 | IET Signal Processing | | B | CCF-C | | 249 | Image and Vision Computing | IVC | B | CCF-C | | 250 | Intelligent Data Analysis | IDA | B | CCF-C | | 251 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | IJCIA | B | CCF-C | | 252 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | IJIS | B | CCF-C | | 253 | International Journal of Neural Systems | IJNS | B | CCF-C | | 254 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence | IJPRAI | B | CCF-C | | 255 | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based System | IJUFKS | B | CCF-C | | 256 | International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition | IJDAR | B | CCF-C | | 257 | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | JETAI | B | CCF-C | | 258 | Knowledge-Based Systems | KBS | B | CCF-C | | 259 | Machine Translation | | B | CCF-C | | 260 | Machine Vision and Applications | | B | CCF-C | | 261 | Natural Computing | | B | CCF-C | | 262 | Natural Language Engineering | NLE | B | CCF-C | | 263 | Neural Computing & Applications | NCA | B | CCF-C | | 264 | Neural Processing Letters | NPL | B | CCF-C | | 265 | Neurocomputing | | B | CCF-C | | 266 | Pattern Analysis and Applications | PAA | B | CCF-C | | 267 | Pattern Recognition Letters | PRL | B | CCF-C | | 268 | Soft Computing | | B | CCF-C | | 269 | Web Intelligence | WI | B | CCF-C | | 270 | Behaviour & Information Technology | BIT | B | CCF-C | | 271 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | PUC | B | CCF-C | | 272 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | PMC | B | CCF-C | | 273 | BMC Bioinformatics | | B | CCF-C | | 274 | Cybernetics and Systems | | B | CCF-C | | 275 | Frontiers of Computer Science | FCS | B | CCF-C | | 276 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | | B | CCF-C | | 277 | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | JBHI | B | CCF-C | | 278 | IEEE Transactions on Big Data | TBD | B | CCF-C | | 279 | IET Intelligent Transport Systems | | B | CCF-C | | 280 | Journal of Biomedical Informatics | JBI | B | CCF-C | | 281 | Medical Image Analysis | | B | CCF-C | | 282 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING 广播汇刊 | | B | | | 283 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY 车载技术汇刊 | | B | | | 284 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 控制系统技术汇刊 | | B | | | 285 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY 可靠性汇刊 | | B | | | 286 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEM 电力系统汇刊 | | B | | | 287 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY 电力传输汇刊 | | B | | | 288 | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 传感器期刊 | | B | | | 289 | IEEE Systems Journal 系统期刊 | | B | | | 290 | APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 应用软计算 | | B | | | 291 | Energy 能源 | | B | | | 292 | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 网络科学与工程汇刊 | | B | | | 293 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 认知网络与通信汇刊 | | B | | | 294 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 计算机新兴领域汇刊 | | B | | | 295 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 认知与发展汇刊 | | B | | | 296 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 工业应用汇刊 | | B | | | 297 | IEEE Multimedia 多媒体 | | B | | | 298 | IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING 互联网计算 | | B | | | 299 | IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 智能系统 | | B | | | 300 | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS 通信快报 | | B | | | 301 | IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 无线通信快报 | | B | | | 302 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 工业信息化汇刊 | | B | | | 303 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 工业电子汇刊 | | B | | | 304 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS 电力电子汇刊 | | B | | | 305 | IEEE NETWORK 网络 | | B | | | 306 | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS Magazine 通信 | | B | | | 307 | IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 无线通信 | | B | | | 308 | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 车载技术 | | B | | | 309 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 计算智能杂志 | | B | | | 310 | npj Quantum Information 自然合作期刊-量子信息 | | B | | | 311 | Science Advances 科学进展 | | B | | | 312 | Information Fusion 信息融合 | | B | | | 313 | ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 物联网汇刊 | | B | | | 314 | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 可持续计算汇刊 | | B | | | 315 | IEEE Transactions on Green Networking and Communications 绿色网络与通信汇刊 | | B | | | 316 | Journal of Chinese Information Processing 中文信息学报 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 317 | Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 模式识别与人工智能 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 318 | Journal of Cyber Security 信息安全学报 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 319 | Journal of Image and Graphics 中国图像图形学报 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 320 | Journal of System Simulation 系统仿真学报 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 321 | Frontiers of Computer Science in China 计算机科学前沿(英文) | | C | | | 322 | Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering 信息与电子工程前沿(英文) | | C | | | 323 | China Communications 中国通信(英文版) | | C | | | 324 | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 北京邮电大学学报 | | C | | | 325 | Chinese Journal on Internet of Things 物联网学报 | | C | | | 326 | The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications 中国邮电高校学报(英文版) | | C | | | 327 | Computer Science 计算机科学 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 328 | Journal of Chinese Computer Systems 小型微型计算机系统 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 329 | Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology 计算机科学与探索 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 330 | Journal of Electronics & Information Technology 电子与信息学报 | | C | | | 331 | Journal of Cryptologic Research 密码学报 | | C | CCF-B(ZH) | | 332 | Proceedings of the CSEE 中国电机工程学报 | | C | | | 333 | IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 通信调研与综述 | | C | | | 334 | IEEE SOFTWARE 软件 | | C | | | 335 | Quantum Information Processing 量子信息处理 | | C | | | 336 | Journal of Network and Systems Management 网络与系统管理期刊 | | C | | | 337 | International Journal of Network Management 网络管理国际期刊 | | C | | | 338 | Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies(Wiley) | | C | | | 339 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS) | | C | | | 340 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | | C | | | 341 | Computers & Operations Research | | C | |